
2008年3月29日 星期六

【分享】And I Drown

And I Drown

By Allyours

They say those who can't swim shouldn't be near the water, and I knew that.

They say those who can swim shouldn't dare dive so deep, and I see that.

But how can I resist diving, how can I prevent drawning, when all I see is you.

You blew me with the gentle breeze, your irresistable smile.

You pour me with cool shower of sprinkles, your amplifying laughter.

Not that I'm in the water yet, but my caution's were.

You called me like a Siren, with your sweet, sweet, still sweeter eyes.

And I'm drawn to you like moth to a flame, running into the coming train.

My vision is blinded by you, your beaming smile.

I fill the pool with my own love, the love I have to give.

Deep into the water I sank, with weight of my pounding heart, tight onto my chest.

Straight to the bottom floor I land, just like I would on earth.

Although I carry mask to help me breathe,

they were deposed cuz they were in the way.

How could I call you with hose in my mouth,

how can I love you with air in my lung.

I swallow all the love to you, until I'm full.

I stretch in the sea for you, until I choke.

Finally I let out all that is sane about me, and I drown.

Would I turn into a merfolk to swim with you? Or will I drown?

Will I recieve your hand in return? Or will I drift away?

Either way I'm in the sea with all the anticipation to drown, and I don't care.

As long as you're in the water, I will dive.


